Data Management System Implementation

5S Data Housekeeping System to keep data and information in order

In the organisations that do not have an appropriate Data Management System in place, a large amount of data is produced daily and piled up in several databases or on staff computers. By growing in size, their usage diminishes significantly over time. After a while, employees only save the data, and because of the lack of order, can hardly retrieve and use older data. This problem becomes even worse when employees leave the organisation. All the data, information and knowledge gets lost when they leave. Thousands of documents are found in the computers of retired employees, and the person who knows their usage, has left forever.

A standard data Housekeeping system / approach enables an effective usage of data, and even if a manager or employee leaves the organisation, other staff members can easily continue using the data. It also ensures that only useful data are kept, and unneeded data and information are removed.

5S Data Housekeeping represents the five Japanese words starting with the letter "S" including Seiri, Shitsuke, Seiketsu, Seiso, Seiton with the following meanings:

  1. Seiri (Sort) - All unneeded files and folders are removed from the databases
  2. Shitsuke (Set in Order) - A place for everything and everything is in its place
  3. Seiketsu (Shine) – Databases are cleaned as the work is performed
  4. Seiso (Standardise) – Data cleaning and identification methods are consistently applied
  5. Seiton (Sustain) – Keeping 5S as a habit, champions active and databases continually improved
5S was initially used to keep workplaces in order. However, data disorders are now threatening most workplaces. To address this modern time data management issue, Excellencers have updated the 5S technique, and have transformed it to a data housekeeping system and solution.

For more information on the Data Management System or Knowledge Management Systems Implementation, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.