Knowledge Management System Implementation

Knowledge Excellence with the Knowledge Seeds

Data and knowledge in most firms are mimilar to grassy fields with no fruit

Implementing Knowledge Management System
results in fruits

Ask Excellencers for the Knowledge Seed

In the organisations that do not have a Knowledge Excellence / Knowledge Management System in place, the data are piled up daily in several databases or on staff computers. As the number of files and folders grow, their usage diminishes over time. After a while, employees only save the data, and because of the lack of order, can hardly retrieve and use older data. This problem becomes even worse when employees leave the organisation. All the data, information and knowledge gets lost when they leave. Thousands of documents are found in the computers of retired employees, and the person who knows their usage and order has left forever.

There are several companies that have been operating for several decades, but when we look at their highly important data, most data have barely more than 2 years of age. All of the information and knowledge gathered during those decades are lost. In some cases, new employees even do not have access to strategic information from the past. After each restructuring, everything need to be started from scratch, and this requires lots of resources.

Knowledge structure in most companies are most similar to a grass field. Such structures never grow tall, never get mature, and rarely bring any fruit. Most companies either generate low quality strategies or depend on external organisations to provide them with low quality generic pathways. Lack of productive knowledge gives them short-sightedness and lots of waste and rework.

With a long-term experience, Excellencers Knowledge Management Systems Consultants are able to converting a grassland of knowledge to a fruitful knowledge garden. Such a conversion needs preparing the land and planting appropriate Knowledge Seeds that can grow and make strong Knowledge fruit trees. Excellencers Knowledge Excellence Consultants provide those Knowledge Seeds fully customised to the company. The resulting fruits are also mostly relevant to the organisational Vision and Mission. The seeds growing in Excellencers Knowledge Management Systems change the views of employees. This Knowledge Excellence System turns the firm into a learning organisation that never forgets the important lessons learnt over the years.

Although the phrase "Knowledge Seed" has been used for several decades, our state of the art Knowldge Seed are quite unique, and has been developed by Excellencers Knowledge Management Consultants. For more information on our Knowledge Management Systems Implementation and Knowledge Excellence, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.