Strategic Planning and Management

Developing Long-term Vision, Mission and Strategies

It is a well-known fact that the player who follows the ball in the field, will not be as successful as the one who predicts where the ball will be in the next five seconds, and heads towards that direction. Strategic Planning is enabling organisations to fully understand their missions and picture themselves in the future. In other words, firms should decide on their impact and the role they like to have in their market in future e.g. five years later (Organisational Vision).

The next step in Strategic Planning is to provide action plans and determine the changes required in processes to achieve the impact that satisfies the stakeholders. Even governmental organisations should have a clear vision of the future, and take an active role rather than only being reactive to the orders. Strategic Plans should be reviewed once a year, answering the following questions:

  • Where are we now and how happy are our stakeholders?
  • What would be a nice destination for us e.g. five years later?
  • What changes shall we make to enable our journey towards that destination?
  • How can we make those changes?
  • How can we ensure that we are will always remain on the right track?

Our outstanding strategic planning consultant are prepared to help you in answering the above questions. We have also invented new short-cut methods to answer all the above questions within only two months.

For more information on how we can help you with your Strategic Planning and Strategic Management activities, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.