Dashboard Development

Performance Management System Implementation

Imagine driving a car without dashboard. It is scary. You do not know how much your speed is, and if you go over the speed limit, you may receive a significant fine. You do not know how much fuel is left, and the car may suddenly stop on the road. Measuring our resources and our performance has always been highly important in any type of work. However, most organisations do not realise the importance of management dashboard until they suddenly realise they are moving round a circle or they are far behind expectations.

Excellencers consultants are ready to equip you with your performance management system and management dashboard. In order to do so, they first identify your goals and long-term strategies. Then they map your strategies in terms of achievable objectives including:

  • What you need to learn or obtain
  • The processes you need to change / develop
  • The customer objectives you want to achieve
  • The financial objectives you want to achieve

Every objective will have a measure, a target, and some initiatives enabling the achievement of the objective. Since having too many process measures makes it difficult to comprehend, according to rule of thumb, 7 ± 2 measures will be selected as the most important measures or Key Performance Indicators (KPI's), and will be graphed on a large dashboard that can attract attentions from a distance. The management dashboard will also published online making it accessible for all staff from any location.

Excellencers consultants provide you with the management dashboard elements and use Power BI which is a business analytics service and provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities.

For more information on how we can help you with your dashboard and how we empower you to update and rebuild your dashboards, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.