Business Transformation

Poor process structure symptoms

Business Process Restructuring / Improvement
13 0000 SWAN (1300007926)

•   Managers / staff duplicate their works in your organisation?
•   Targets are not achieved and managers accuse each other?
•   Things go wrong and no one can be found responsible?
•   Managers and staff are not motivated or seem confused?
•   It takes a long time to respond to market / customers?
•   Managers do not have a good relationship with each other?

These are symptoms of poor process architecture.

Continuing on such a process structure is costly and puts lots of pressure on managers and staff.
Call us to find out how Excellencers can transform your business process structure.

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Business Process Rearrangement and Renaming (BPR2)

Process orientation, which involves managing organisations based on horizontal end-to-end processes, has been shown to increase the quality of products/services, decrease costs and make business function faster and more reliable.

Current process transformation / Business Process Reengineering (BPR) methods are radical and destructive, and have insignificant focus on mitigating the risk of failure in their redesign stage, leading to failure in most cases. Staff and managers who have experienced business transformations, are highly dissatisfied, as the reasons are usually unclear and not communicated to employees, and business transformations always involve uncertainties and displacements.

Excellencers Business Transformation Consultants have upgraded the Business Process Reengineering ( BPR) and invented a new unique methodology published in the Business Process Management Journal in 2016. This new methodology is Business Process Rearrangement and Renaming (BPR2), and has been described by the journal editors as a very interesting method that brings good results to companies, and can serve academically as a reference.

The existing process transformation methodologies mostly aim to provide a comprehensive view on all the main activities involved in business process management and strategic alignment, with insignificant focus on mitigating the risk of failure in their redesign stage. In contrast, every step in our methodology, including the design phase, aim to reduce the risk of failure. BPR2 renovates the existing structure, leading to a higher chance of success.

Name is the most communicated characteristic of a department; however, this most communicated characteristic of the departments has always been the most neglected characteristic as well. For the first time, BPR2 is the only business process management methodology that uses the power of departmental names to promote the main customer values expected from each department.

For more information on how we can help you with your Business Transformation and Business Process Management System, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.