ISO 9001 and other QMS Certifications

Quality Management System Implementation

Firms implement ISO standards for different purposes. Some implement them to obtain ISO certificates as a requirement for their business e.g. to receive governmental permissions to operate, or to meet customer conditions and sell their products. A minority of firms implement such standards for process improvement purposes. Hence, it should not be surprising to see that most of the firms that receive ISO certificates, do not see noticeable improvement in their processes.

Excellencers process documentations and ISO certification come with a guaranty on performance improvement. The steps Excellencers take to achieve improvement goals include:

  1. Determine the scope of ISO certification
  2. Determine the key stakeholders, engage with them, and determine their needs and requirements
  3. Determine the key performance indicators within the scope in accordance to the organisational vision and strategies
  4. Measure the relevant key performance indicators
  5. Identify, map and document the existing processes within the scope (as-is)
  6. Determine the gaps (points for improvement) in processes
  7. Document the solutions addressing the gaps
  8. Finalise and map the optimised processes (to-be)
  9. Provide communication plan on the changes
  10. Educate employees on new processes, and facilitate the changes
  11. Measure the key performance measures again, and report improvements
  12. Document lessons learnt and celebrate achievements.

Excellencers consultants never dictate their views. Key stakeholders will be involved in all of the above steps in a way that they believe the outcomes as their own products. Excellencers organise workshops with stakeholders, and transfer their knowledge and experience on the process management, and then the firm subject matter experts and managers decide on how the concepts can be applied to their business context. Excellencers will then map and document what experts and managers have decided.

For more information on how we can help you with your certifications and how we empower you to update and manage your process documents, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.