Employees and Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Providing a Voice for Customers and Employees

Organisations cannot claim that they respect our customers if they do not proactively give customers a chance to express their expectations, requirements and how they are satisfied with our products and services. It is also a widely accepted fact that an organisation cannot satisfy the external customers without having satisfied internal customers, which are employees.

Excellencers help organisations with providing a robust framework to give a strong voice to customers and employees, and converting their voice to action plans. The following steps are involved in providing this framework:

  1. Identifying the key stakeholders and their requirements and expectations
  2. Identifying the managers’ perceptions on the identified requirements and expectations
  3. Designing the online questionnaire and the logics
  4. Pilot testing the questionnaire and rectifying the potential issues
  5. Launching the questionnaire and recording the data
  6. Analysing the responses and providing the data analysis report
  7. Running the action planning workshops and providing the action plans.
For more information, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.