Green Business Modelling

Course Duration: 2 days


Green Business Modelling

Global pressure for sustainable growth and business sustainability has prompted many executives and leaders to pursue more sustainable and greener ways of doing business. The discourse around business greening has long passed the point of simple corporate social responsibility and corporate philanthropy and has taken the form of an active dialogue on green business model. A green business model (GBM) is an archetype or a logic that maps how both value creating and values capturing sides of a business work together in a green and sustainable way.

In the last two decades the concept of GBM has garnered a voluminous body of literature and been a constant topic of discussion among executives, policy makers and academics yet many leaders lack a comprehensive and clear understanding of how to run a GBM. Specifically, they do not know to what extent their business models are green and what actions are required to green them.

By the end of this course, through seven highly engaging workshops, participants will be able to map their business models, assess its green-ness, identify areas and procedures that require greening and devise ways to convert greening efforts into sources of revenue and competitive advantage.

The following questions are addressed in this course:
  1. What are the building blocks of a green business model?
  2. How does an established business model become green?
  3. How can one protect its green business model against competitive erosion?
  4. What are the key sources of value in green business models?
  5. What are the challenges faced by leaders when leading a green business modelling project?
  6. What organizational mechanisms can be used to overcome challenges in green business modelling projects?


This course covers the following topics:

(1) Form business plan to business model
There is a critical difference between a business plan and a business model. Many executives are not aware of this difference and assume that having a good business plan is a recipe for success. However, business plans do not work without business models. Business models operationalize business plans and reify business strategies of the organization. In this session through two interactive workshops, we illustrate similarities and differences between these two and equip leaders with a set of conceptual tools to develop business models for their business plans.
(2) Value creation, value capture and green business model canvas
Green and sustainable business models have two pillars: A model for creating green value and 2) A corresponding mode for capturing a portion of that value. Creating value without having a plan to capturing it would lead to the loss of competitive edge and jeopardize sustainable performance of the business.  Business model canvas and green business modelling methods offer interesting insights into how value creating and capturing aspects of a business can be aligned. This section includes two workshops based on real industry examples on how these goals can be achieved.
(3) Green business modelling archetypes
There are many different archetypes for green business models from product-service systems (PSSs) to social ventures, circular economies and hybrid archetypes. Every leader needs to know how its business fits into a dominant archetype.  This session includes three workshops which are aimed at explaining these archetypes and illustrating how they enable leaders to transform their business models into a green one.
(4) Roadmap for Identifying and overcoming GBM challenges
Journey toward sustainability is not without hurdles. Cognitive, structural, and intuitional barriers derail business modelling projects. Leaders need clear and easy-to-follow roadmaps to pave the way and overcome challenges. This section describes the methods and steps in this regard, and demonstrate, through multiple case studies, how leaders can prepare themselves and their organizations for a journey toward sustainability. This section includes a workshop to practice how these roadmaps can be followed.


Dr Arash Najmaei is a consumer insights manager and market research consultant based in Sydney. He also serves as a lecturer at various universities and colleges in Sydney. He completed his PhD at Macquarie University in 2014, Sydney and has helped more than 50 leaders within a range of industries including finance, beauty, health, education, telecommunication, tourism, construction, and retail to succeed. His fields of expertise include sustainable and ethical leadership, technology leadership and leading through data analytics. Arash has won several excellence awards for his research which have been published in international journals, books, and presented at several international conferences.
For further information on the Green Business Modelling course, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.