Inclusive Leadership

Course Duration: 2 days


Inclusive leadership

Diversity is strength. It is an asset and a source of creative ideas, growth opportunities, and a driver of competitive advantage. However, traditional methods of dealing with and managing diversity are no longer efficient. Most leaders do not have an adequate understanding of how diversity functions in today’s world. Inclusiveness is the answer, and is a key to many locked doors. It is a famous say that diversity is a mix, and inclusiveness is making the mix work.

Large global companies, government institutions, educational institutes and political leaders are increasingly realising the difference between traditional diversity management and modern notion of inclusivity and inclusion. Role model companies such as Google, Apple, TNT, Electrolux, Philips, Daimler-Chrysler, Siemens, Bosch, HSBC, NAB, CBA have invested billions of dollars in creating a culture and atmosphere that promotes and capitalises on diversity through the lens of inclusivity. 

By the end of this course, through seven highly engaging workshops, participants will be able to grasp the essence of inclusion, learn dimensions and aspects of inclusive leadership, and assess their level of inclusiveness. Participants will also gain a good understanding of the steps involved in implementing an inclusive culture and leadership style in their organizations.

The following questions are addressed in this course:
  1. What is the difference between diversity management and inclusivity?
  2. What are the key attributes of an inclusive leader?
  3. How can we measure the level of inclusivity in an organisation?
  4. What are the challenges in becoming an inclusive leader?
  5. What are the short-term benefits of inclusivity?
  6. What are the long-term benefits of inclusivity?


This course covers the following topics:

(1) Diversity and diversity management
Definition of diverse work environment, aspects of diversity, and a critical overview of traditional models of diversity. This section includes a workshop to show the meaning of diversity and why it matters.
(2) From diversity to inclusion 
Every organisation has a culture which is diverse in some ways.  Leaders needs to know a set of criteria and sub-criteria and a scoring logic to quantify the level of diversity in their firms. Building on this system, we introduce inclusive leadership style and present a model followed by two workshops to practice the criteria and points to address in the execution of an inclusive leadership style.
(3) UB model
Uniqueness-Belongingness model is a dynamic framework and powerful management tool that provides the backbone to support an organisation in becoming an inclusive enterprise and realising its aspiration to achieve its goals using its diverse workforce. Explaining this model and how it enables leaders to become inclusive is discussed and practiced in three workshops.
(4) Inclusiveness self-assessment methods and steps
Journey toward inclusiveness starts by a self-assessment of leaders using the UB model, and then definition of points for improvement and a set of targets. This cycle should be repeated once a year to ensure a continual journey. This section describes the methods and steps in this regard, and how a leader can prepare to become an authentic inclusive leader. This section also includes a workshop to practice the UB self-assessment.


Dr Arash Najmaei is a consumer insights manager and market research consultant based in Sydney. He also serves as a lecturer at various universities and colleges in Sydney. He completed his PhD at Macquarie University in 2014, Sydney and has helped more than 50 leaders within a range of industries including finance, beauty, health, education, telecommunication, tourism, construction, and retail to succeed. His fields of expertise include sustainable and ethical leadership, technology leadership and leading through data analytics. Arash has won several excellence awards for his research which have been published in international journals, books, and presented at several international conferences.
For further information on the Inclsive Leadership course, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.