Strategic Planning in Governmental Organisations - Shaping the Future

Strategic Planning Course

Duration: 2 days
Scheduled date: 24 - 25 October 2023
Enrolment fee: $1,200 AUD ($1,020 per person for groups of 5 or more)
Delivery mode: Hybrid online and classroom, face-to-face
Location: Sydney CBD and online
Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite for this course.

In-house or online delivery
All Australian states and neighbouring countries, contact the course coordinator on 04015 24680 for more information. Recommended for groups of 10 or more for in-house delivery, and groups of 5 or more for online delivery.

What you will receive
  • The course presentation slides in digital PDF format.
  • Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.
  • Certificate upon successful completion.

In the dynamic and complex world of governmental organisations, strategic planning plays a vital role in navigating the challenges and uncertainties of public administration. As the demands on governments continue to grow, the need for effective strategic planning becomes increasingly important.

Noting the fact that strategic planning in governmental organisations is so much different to private sector, this course aims to provide the participants with a good understanding on the significance of strategic planning in governmental organisations, its key components and success factors, and the benefits it offers in shaping the future of public service.

Questions answered in this course
This course aims to address several key questions related to strategic planning in the context of governmental organisations. While the specific curriculum may vary in accordance to the participants' requirements, here are the common questions that are answered in this course:

  1. What is strategic planning and why is it important for governmental organisations?
    This course provides an introduction to the concept of strategic planning, its purpose, and its significance in the context of governmental organisations.
  2. What are the key components of a strategic planning process for governmental organisations?
    This course explores the essential elements of strategic planning, including mission and vision development, environmental analysis, objective setting, strategy development, implementation, and monitoring.
  3. How does strategic planning differ in governmental organisations compared to private organisations?
    This course highlights the unique characteristics and challenges of strategic planning in governmental organisations, such as political influences, budgetary constraints, public accountability, and bureaucratic processes.
  4. How can environmental analysis be conducted in the context of governmental organisations?
    This course delves into the methods and approaches for conducting an environmental analysis specific to governmental organisations, including the analysis of political, economic, social, technological, and legal factors.
  5. How can objectives and goals be set effectively in governmental strategic planning?
    This course explores the process of setting SMART objectives and goals that align with the organisation's mission and vision, considering the specific needs and priorities of governmental organisations.
  6. What strategies and initiatives can be developed to achieve the objectives of governmental organisations?
    This course focuses on the development of strategies and initiatives that enable governmental organisations to achieve their defined objectives, including resource allocation, stakeholder engagement, risk management, and collaboration.
  7. How can strategic plans be effectively implemented and monitored in governmental organisations?
    This course covers the practical aspects of implementing strategic plans in governmental organisations, including resource allocation, establishing responsibilities, monitoring progress, and evaluating outcomes.
  8. How does strategic planning contribute to accountability, transparency, and good governance in governmental organisations?
    This course explores the broader impact of strategic planning on promoting accountability, transparency, and good governance within governmental organisations, and how it fosters public trust.
  9. How can governmental organisations adapt their strategic plans to changing environments and emerging challenges?
    This course addresses the need for governmental organisations to be flexible and adaptable in their strategic planning processes, considering the dynamic nature of the political, social, and economic environments they operate in.
  10. What are the best practices and case studies in strategic planning for governmental organisations?
    This course provides an opportunity to learn from successful strategic planning initiatives in governmental organisations, examining real-world examples, best practices, and lessons learned.

Course Outline
This course is conducted in a workshop style to enhance learning, and includes the following discussions:
1. Introduction to Governmental Strategic Planning
a. Importance and relevance of strategic planning in governmental organisations
b. Key differences between strategic planning in government and other sectors
c. Benefits and outcomes of effective governmental strategic planning
2. Understanding the Governmental Context
a. Overview of the political, social, economic, and technological factors impacting governmental organisations
b. Legal and regulatory considerations in governmental strategic planning
c. Stakeholder analysis and engagement in the governmental context
3. The Strategic Planning Process for Governmental organisations
a. Overview of the governmental strategic planning process
b. Key stages and components of strategic planning in government
c. Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in the process
4. Environmental Analysis and organisational Assessment
a. Conducting a comprehensive environmental scan
b. Assessing internal capabilities, resources, and performance
c. Identifying challenges, opportunities, and risks in the governmental context
5. Mission, Vision, and Values in Governmental Strategic Planning
a. Developing a mission statement that reflects public service objectives
b. Crafting a visionary statement aligned with long-term societal goals
c. Defining core values that guide decision-making and ethical conduct
6. Setting Governmental Strategic Objectives and Goals
a. Defining strategic objectives aligned with the organisation's mission and vision
b. Establishing measurable and impactful goals
c. Prioritizing objectives and goals based on societal needs and governmental priorities
7. Strategy Formulation and Development
a. Generating strategic options and alternatives
b. Evaluating strategic choices through a government lens
c. Formulating strategies that align with governmental objectives and resources
8. Strategy Implementation and Action Planning in Governmental organisations
a. Developing action plans to operationalize strategic initiatives
b. Identifying key initiatives, projects, and programs
c. Allocating resources, defining responsibilities, and establishing performance indicators
9. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adaptation in Governmental Strategic Planning
a. Establishing a monitoring and evaluation framework for governmental strategies
b. Evaluating performance and progress towards strategic objectives
c. Making necessary adjustments and adaptations to ensure continued effectiveness
10. Communication, Engagement, and Stakeholder Management
a. Communicating the strategic plan to internal and external stakeholders
b. Engaging citizens, civil society, and other stakeholders in the strategic planning process
c. Managing stakeholder expectations and fostering transparency and accountability
11. Overcoming Challenges and Ensuring Sustainability
a. Addressing unique challenges in governmental strategic planning
b. Strategies for managing political dynamics and bureaucratic complexities
c. Embedding strategic planning as an ongoing process in governmental organisations
12. Best Practices and Case Studies in Governmental Strategic Planning
a. Exploring best practices in governmental strategic planning
b. Learning from successful governmental strategic planning case studies
c. Applying lessons learned to real-world governmental scenarios

Dr Ali Khosravi is a Senior Consultant at Excellencers Co. He has completed his PhD at Macquarie University, Sydney and has led numerous Business Improvement projects within a range of industries including health, education, telecommunication, construction, water and sewerage, power generation and distribution, food, automotive, oil drilling, and a two-billion-dollar oil refinery and petrochemical complex project where he was in charge of the whole feasibility study. His main fields of expertise include Business Excellence and Business Process / Performance Management. He has published articles in international journals such as Business Process Management Journal and Total Quality Management and Business Excellence Journal.

Cancellation Policy
Courses will be held subject to sufficient registrations. Excellencers® reserve the right to cancel a course up to five working days prior to commencement of the course. If a course is cancelled, you will have the opportunity to transfer your registration or be issued a full refund. If registrant cancels within 10 days of course commencement, a 50% registration fee will apply.