From Technostress to Techno Productivity

Course Duration: 2 days


From Technostress to Techno Productivity

Technology is everywhere. Our personal and professional lives depend on technology.  Increasing reliance on technology is inevitable, but it is unfortunately associated with stress, anxiety, depression, and ultimately loss of commitment and productivity.  

Technostress, which is the stress induced by technology, has now become a key factor in employees motivation, creativity, productivity, and an indicator of successful technology-driven organizational cultures.  Yet, Billions of dollars are lost, thousands of employees lose their passion for work and leave companies simply because of technostress, and yet, many leaders still do not know what technostress is, what factors enable it and what factors inhibit it. This course aims to address this deficiency.    

By the end of this course, through seven highly engaging workshops, participants will be able to grasp the multifaceted nature of technostress, learn dimensions and aspects of technology-induced stress, learn about technostress enablers and inhibitors and identify signs and symptoms of technostress among employees. Participants will also gain a good understanding of the steps involved in implementing an action plan to convert technostress into techno productivity.

The following questions are addressed in this course:
  1. What is the difference between work-related stress and technostress?
  2. What are the key enablers of technostress?
  3. How can we develop a capacity to cope with technostress?
  4. What are the inhibitors of technostress?
  5. What are the adverse effects of technostress in an organization?
  6. How can we transform our technostress into techno productivity?


This course covers the following topics:

(1) Technology and technostress
Definition of technostress, types of technostress, a critical overview of the difference between work-related stress and technostress. This section includes a workshop to show the dynamics of technostress and why it matters.
(2) Technostress enablers and inhibitors
Every employee uses technology to perform his tasks, duties, and daily procedures.  Thus, leaders, need to know when and why technology can lead to technostress and what measures should be taken to inhibit it. This section includes a workshop to identify and map technostress creators and technostress inhibitors in an organization.
(3) Measuring and quantifying technostress
James Herrington famously said, Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you cannot measure something, you cannot understand it. If you cannot understand it, you cannot control it. If you cannot control it, you cannot improve it. Technostress is not just a concept. This section covers the technostress measures and measurement tools with a workshop.
(4) Methods and steps in converting technostress into techno-productivity
Knowing enablers and inhibiters of technology is never enough. Leaders need an action plan to improve productivity of their organizations by converting technostress into techno productivity. The path to techno-productivity is complex and required a strategic alignment between an organisation's business model and its core technology infrastructure. This section includes a workshop to help leaders establish this pave in their organisation.


Dr Arash Najmaei is a consumer insights manager and market research consultant based in Sydney. He also serves as a lecturer at various universities and colleges in Sydney. He completed his PhD at Macquarie University in 2014, Sydney and has helped more than 50 leaders within a range of industries including finance, beauty, health, education, telecommunication, tourism, construction, and retail to succeed. His fields of expertise include sustainable and ethical leadership, technology leadership and leading through data analytics. Arash has won several excellence awards for his research which have been published in international journals, books, and presented at several international conferences.
For further information on the Technostress to Techno Productivity course, please submit your details in the contact form below, and we will contact you very soon.